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    Monthly payment (€250/month)€250.00/mo
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    Quarterly - 10% discount (€225/month)€675.00/qtr
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    Semiannual - 20% discount (€199/month)€1194.00/6 mnths
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    Yearly - 33% Discount (€165/month)€1980.00/yr

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PPC Consultancy€0

  • Total payment
  • 1xPPC Consultancy€0

All prices in EUR

“Our company is a client of his since 2012. Thanks to excellent PPC knowledge of Manuel M. Esparza, we could increase our sales by more than 200% over the same period by actually lowering our marketing costs for campaigns, which significantly improved our ROI and provided us with an unbeatable competitive advantage of every market we are serving”.

Bostjan Veronik
CEO Seatizen Sail Croatia
